Ensuring Abundance for People of All Abilities
We create community for people of all abilities so that everyone can belong, grow, and make the contribution they want to make. To that end, we facilitate home living, community support, employment, social enterprises, and respite for people living with disabilities in Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley, and Vancouver Island.
Our Vision
Creating inclusive community and abundant life for all
Our Mission
Inspired by Jesus Christ, Communitas will be a place of belonging, growth and contribution.
Our Values
Reflecting our belief that all human life is created in the image of God, our values at Communitas are:
- Spirituality: The whole person is valued, body, soul and spirit. We honour God-given love, creativity and compassion in each person.
- Sacredness of Life: We believe that all life is precious and should be nurtured.
- Stewardship: We use all resources accountably and responsibly to serve the good of community.
- Excellence: We are committed to quality services and continuous learning in all that we do.
- Relationship: We are people-centred. We build relationships with one another through respect, dignity and gentleness of spirit.
- Community: We support healthy, inclusive communities that promote belonging, growth and contribution for every person.
- Diversity: We support and empower people of all abilities, from all walks of life, faith, social standing, race, gender, orientation, culture or ethnicity.

Our History
Communitas means “a community where all are equal”. Since its inception in the 1970s, Communitas Supportive Care Society’s purpose has been to create community for people of diverse abilities. In the beginning, this meant creating innovative, non-institutional homes for adults living with disabilities. Over time, Communitas’ core purpose has found new ways to express itself within a growing community of people living with mental health challenges and acquired brain injury.