Communitas Staff Publishes Compelling Novel
When John chooses to drive home drunk after a night of partying, the trajectory of his life and the life of his sister, Rosa, is changed forever. His choice costs a young girl her life, forces Rosa into an unwanted marriage, which impacts the lives of her children as well.

This is how Belt of the Red Sea: My Deep Heart, Follows You begins and what unfolds is a sweeping saga covering three generations, several countries, and includes kidnapping, the smuggling of arms and humans, and more.
Written by Communitas Support Worker, Million Abraha, the novel is set in Africa beginning in his beloved homeland, Eritrea. While it is a work of fiction, Million’s own life and experiences contribute to the source material.
“I was a refugee for 8 years, living in camps in Ethiopia,” he explains. “I worked as an interpreter for UNHCR (United Nations High Commission for Refugees) and during that time, I heard many, many dramatic stories. Some of those stories made their way into the book.”

Story telling has always been a passion for Million. As a young man in high school, he studied filmmaking and took that skill with him into adulthood. But when Eritrea went to war with Ethiopia in 1998, the Eritrean government introduced mandatory military service for all men 18 years of age and older.
“The problem is, the government did not put an end to mandatory military service. Once you’re in, you’re in for life,” Million says.
It is this experience that made Million make the difficult decision to flee his homeland and become a refugee. It was a life filled with both difficulties and unexpected joys. He met and married his wife, Selamawit. They were part of a vibrant church community, which deepened his faith and gave them courage to take the next steps in their lives.

Selamawit came to Canada first and sponsored Million to join her. They settled first in Toronto where Million studied TV and Film at the Trebas Institute. Finding work in the field proved to be difficult so he furthered his studies by pursuing a career as a support worker. When the couple moved to BC to be closer to family, his brother-in-law suggested that he apply to work with Communitas Supportive Care Society. He has been a support worker here for more than a year and finds the work very satisfying. He is inspired by the people who live in the home where he works.
“I love it when the people we serve can see what you’re doing to help them and they express their gratitude,” he says. “It is so heart-warming.”

He is humbled by the trust that is placed in him as a support worker and is grateful for a supportive team. When he began, his program director, Elaine Moore, gave him some helpful advice.
“I always thought I had to be perfect but that is actually impossible,” Million explained. “Elaine reminded me that perfection isn’t the goal, it is to do my very best every day.”
It is advice that he’s brought to all of his work. When he’s confronted with a challenging task, he has learned that it’s best to break it down in to manageable steps.
“Here in Canada, I found that people are concerned with details, whereas in Eritrea, we like to see the big picture,” he says with a smile. “But I’ve realized that it’s the small things that make up the whole.”
He has applied the same theory to his writing.
“I started with the table of contents, which helped me create the story arc,” Million explains. “From there, I went chapter by chapter to flesh out the entire novel.”

Million self-published using a company that helped with design, editing, printing, and distribution. He hopes to publish more in the future and already has more story ideas in the works. He’d also love to see his novel on the big screen.
“I admire the Kendrick brothers who have made movies like War Room and Fireproof,” he says. “They’re spiritually uplifting films and I think we need more of that. I would love to see Belt of the Red Sea become a movie like that.”
Just as the story of his journey to Canada has a happy ending, so too does his novel – but we won’t tell you how that happens – you’ll have to read his book and find out!
Belt of the Red Sea: My Deep Heart, Follows You is available for purchase from amazon, Indigo/Chapters, Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and other book sellers.
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